Month: January 2020

Broken Ankle

Well, I did it. I broke my ankle.

I’m slowly coming to terms with how plans for the immediate future will have to change. Brad has been amazing and supportive. He has been exactly where I am right now. In fact, he broke his ankle in exactly the same place two years ago. I’m so lucky that he is upbeat and adaptive – he tells me that things aren’t screwed up, they will just change and be different for a while. I’m mostly just disappointed that I won’t be able to ski for at least a couple of months… I see an orthopedist next week, and hopefully, the news will be good and we’ll have a good plan for recovery.

Check out the kick-ass cardboard splint that ski patrol made for me! All Macgyvered up with tape and everything.

Seattle Central Library, Seattle, WA

A Seattle Must See

Even if you don’t like books (wait, is that even possible?), you must walk through the Central Library if you ever visit Seattle. It’s a visual feast.